Spinal Stenosis

What is Spinal Stenosis?  

Spinal stenosis is a medical condition in which the spinal canal – the space within the spine that houses the spinal cord and nerve roots – becomes narrowed. This narrowing can compress and put pressure on the delicate spinal nerves, leading to pain and other neurological symptoms. 

What Causes Spinal Stenosis?  

There are several potential causes of spinal stenosis: 

  • – Congenital: Some people are born with a naturally narrowed spinal canal. 
  • – Degenerative changes: Conditions like osteoarthritis can lead to the formation of bone spurs that encroach on the spinal space. 
  • – Thickening of ligaments: The ligaments that support the spine can gradually thicken and calcify, reducing the available space. 
  • – Disc herniations: A ruptured or bulging spinal disc can protrude into the spinal canal. 
  • – Spinal injuries or trauma – Any damage to the spine can alter the normal anatomy and cause narrowing. 
  • – Tumors: Growths within the spinal canal can compress the nerves. 

The most common locations for spinal stenosis are the neck (cervical spine) and the lower back (lumbar spine). 

What are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?  

The specific symptoms of spinal stenosis depend on which nerves are being compressed, but common symptoms include: 

  • – Neck, back, or radiating pain 
  • – Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms, legs, or extremities 
  • – Impaired balance and coordination 
  • – Bowel or bladder dysfunction 

Symptoms often start gradually and progressively worsen over time as the stenosis worsens. 

How is Spinal Stenosis Treated?  

The treatment approach for spinal stenosis is tailored to the individual patient’s needs and the severity of their condition: 

  • – For mild cases, conservative treatments like medications, epidural injections, and physical therapy may provide relief. 
  • – More moderate stenosis may require decompressive surgery to create more space around the compressed nerves. 
  • – In severe cases, spinal fusion surgery may be necessary to stabilize and realign the spine. 

The goal of treatment is to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves, restore function, and manage the patient’s pain and symptoms. Close collaboration with an experienced spine specialist is essential for developing the optimal treatment plan.

229 West Main Cross St. Suite 58 Findlay, OH 45840 contact@painmgmtgroup.com (419) 721-6358